About Us

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qore philosophy

“Nonprofits work to bend the arc of the universe towards justice. We partner with them to shorten that arc.” – Teamqore

We believe you are the experts in your field, the most passionate about your mission and your impact. We consider ourselves your trusted and true partners in change. We draw upon our years of experience in both for profit and nonprofit organizations to deliver exceptional results. We partner with you to envision possibilities, strengthen capabilities, clarify strategies and achieve breakthroughs.

Nonprofits are inundated with good ideas and opportunities. However, most are faced with steep challenges building an executable plan that uses those opportunities within existing constraints. That is where Teamqore comes in. We help our clients optimize their core management areas to make their vision a reality.

Our team collaborates with clients to strengthen their governance practices, strategic planning, development initiatives and financial planning. In addition, we provide expertise in areas such as recruitment of executive team members and succession planning, focusing on developing effective organizations that thrive. Teamqore excels in understanding and analyzing client needs, developing creative, executable plans with support through implementation, and identifying and scaffolding opportunities beyond the immediate horizon.

We partner with organizations whose missions we believe in. This shared vision drives us to go above and beyond, bringing our absolute best to our clients. We believe the healthiest organizations balance purpose and success. Our founders initially met through a shared purpose of serving a cause. Today they are committed to doing so both individually and as an organization. We care about the footprint we leave behind and the critical impact we can make in our communities. It is so important to us that Teamqore pledges to provide pro bono services every year to one of the organizations we partner with… working together, partnering in change.